SaTT Smart Advertising Token Delivers On The Features Demanded By Gen Y (And Z)
Finance and economics have been a difficult subject matter amongst baby boomers and their millennial offspring. After all, the current system inherited by millennials has not been fair to them. The global financial system today consists of a group of all-powerful, highly centralized, politically influenced, and innately corrupt banking cartels that have the ability to influence all aspects of monetary policy across all reaches of society.
In the United States, for instance, the privately-run Federal Reserve has the power to create (and eliminate) an unlimited supply of US dollars on command, use money they create to purchase bonds and other financial instruments of their choosing and modify the federal interest rates that govern bank policies nationally. This results in a highly manipulated financial system filled with market bubbles and crashes, financial panics, inflation, shady loan practices (such as subprime mortgages), massive debt accumulation, bankruptcies, and bad credit, and most importantly results in no trust.
Similar centralized banking practices are followed across the globe today, and millennials are not happy with the way in which this system has been set up unfairly against them. With governments now able to work with their central bank “vendors” to create money on command and manipulate all kinds of banking rules to promote specific large-scale economic results, the future feels less in control by the people and more in control by the elite banking class that are steering the economy in the ways they see fit.
But with the birth and evolution of the internet, the banking cartels were unable to plan for or predict the variables of human intellect now unlocked by networking and sharing ideas and implementing new disruptive financial instruments. Millennials everywhere are now being set free as they are presented with effective new ways of rejecting the shackles of centrally controlled monetary policy, all with the revolution that is decentralized cryptocurrency.
There continues to be exponential network expansion and technical advancement within the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. Millennials continue to invest into it and grasp the power-shifting opportunities it presents. Increasingly innovative and disruptive solutions are coming to market that give these consumers new kinds of financial leverage and incentives that were previously too cost-prohibitive or simply did not exist within the traditional market at all.
Across industries, the utilization of decentralized DLTs (distributed ledger technologies, in particular blockchain technology which has underpinned the Bitcoin revolution) have been on the rise, offering more transparent, accessible and cost-effective solutions. In the advertising industry, one company has mindfully crafted what they feel is the perfect answer to this millennial generation’s need to have more control in an industry where fraud and inaccurate metrics, along with payment delays are widely prevalent.
Smart Advertising Token (SaTT) is an ERC20 (Ethereum-powered) token that aims to solve a major problem in the traditional advertising model. It is governed on a decentralized platform, offers low fees for advertisers, and instant payments to content creators. This is quite a disruptive change to the boomer business model most commonly used by traditional and centralized advertising agencies. These traditional institutions have a cost-prohibitive market entry with required monthly billing for services provided, and their affiliated commission payments can take several months and lead to significant fees. Besides, a hack in a centralized network means that hackers can access all other accounts in the system.
With the power of the SaTT smart contract, advertising transactions function within a framework of immutable rules and regulations. These contracts are governed by modules of autonomous beings secured by the Ethereum blockchain. With this functionality, trust and transparency is a guarantee. In the event of a malfunction of a module or oracle, the integrity of other advertisers’ ads is also preserved. SaTT’s decentralized platform means that there are no disruptions to a customer’s advertisements due to a bad actor targeting another customer.
The SaTT smart contract is decentralized and distributed in its mechanics, whether it is in the creation of an ad builder, the display to make an ad directory, or using third-party oracles to provide accurate statistics.
The decentralized feature of SaTT ensures that costs are cut down as middlemen are no longer necessary and transactions can be performed much faster. The Campaigns feature uses the SaTT smart contract to establish an immutable system of trust between the advertiser and the content creators, streamlining collaboration.
Being able to transact with the SaTT token is of course central to the successful implementation of the SaTT platform. The SaTT token offers various utilities and incentives for both holding and using the SaTT token. To increase the adoption of the SaTT token, the company has installed the “PayBySaTT” function on their 50,000+ Store Facebook application and offers an SDK for third party developers so that many products and exclusive events are payable in SaTT. The SaTT Wallet allows users to store and transfer SaTT to their contacts.
A popular question asked by folks within the crypto community is “When Moon,” or “when will cryptocurrency skyrocket in value?” This popular quote has been gamified by the SaTT team into their “When Moon?” dAPP. The game application aims “to skyrocket your token to the Moon!”
The comprehensive set of services that SaTT has built around the needs of their industry is driving real change. SaTT offers customers transparent and immutable smart contracts, faster payments, and entirely trustless transactions. It is only in recent times that previously disenfranchised millennials are now given a platform and a vote for a better and more inclusive future. Watch out baby boomers, SaTT is giving millennials more options to help build that future! You can find out more about SaTT on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Telegram, BitcoinTalk, Medium, and Github.